Tips to Feel and Look Your Best on a Day You Will Always Remember The months of planning leading up to a wedding can be stressful, and then the entire day is over in a flash. However, there is plenty that you can do in the time leading up to your wedding that can have you feeling your best. Follow these quick and easy steps in order to alleviate some of the nerves and feel your best! Boost your immune system In order to avoid saying “I do” with the sniffles, take proactive steps in the weeks and months leading up to your wedding in order to boost your immune system. You may be dieting and exercising for other reasons, but some easy changes can have a huge impact on your overall health. Getting 30 minutes of exercise daily and eating more fruits and vegetables are just a few ways to boost your immune system. You’ll have more energy and will be more proactive in taking care of yourself. Develop a skincare routine Brides and grooms should have a daily skincare routine. It’s important to keep in mind that the season can completely alter your routine. If you’re planning for a spring or summer ceremony, it’s important to be mindful
A family photo shoot can be a great way to capture a special moment in time with your loved ones. Of course, getting a bunch of people together for a photo shoot can be an intimidating process, especially if you're getting kids involved. We've certainly had our fair share of family photo shoots, so we'd like to offer you a few fun family photo ideas! Show Off Your Hobbies Here at From the Hip Photo, love trying to capture the perfect candid moment! A great way to add fun to your family photos is by concentrating on your hobbies, interests, and daily activities. This allows your family to express themselves more by letting the pictures do the talking. In other words, less looking (or trying your hardest to get the kids to look!) and more action. Highlight Your City Think about where you live. Is there an area or location that means something to you and your loved ones? This could be where the family home is, like Denver, or where you and the rest of the crew (pets included, of course!) love to go on vacation. Creating photographic memories in places that mean the most to you and your
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Dazed and Confused?” In the wedding world, “Engaged and Confused” is more like it! Although a seemingly stressful phrase, we have become quite fond of it. It’s understandable that along with many couples’ excitement about becoming newlyweds, there’s a bundle of nerves and uncertainty about the process that comes along with it. That is why we at From the Hip Photo, with some help from Blue Nile, have gathered some engagement tips and tricks that we have learned over the years to help couples determine the next steps after the big question has been popped! Picking the Perfect Ring! First thing’s first, the ring! Blue Nile strives to simplify the buying process, empower, and educate their customers. Their extraordinary collection of diamond engagement rings spans timeless styles to the latest trends, including solitaire, vintage, halo and more. Blue Nile not only offers a team of non-commissioned diamond and jewelry consultants who are available 24/7 to answer any question, but they also offer useful tools to help with the most common questions! Like what size ring does your significant other wear? Their diamond jewelry experts have put together a complete ring size guide with
Do you want to take some family photos but are worried how the pictures will turn out? Are you stressed about trying to organize a family of five, six, seven or more into a balanced and good-looking photo? Have no fear! We have some tips for photographing a big family! Balance is Key If you only absorb one thing from this post, remember this: it’s all about balance, balance, balance! The perfect picture — no matter if it’s a portrait, a landscape, or anything in between — must look balanced and equalized. The human eye likes symmetry and stability. Basically, we don’t like to look at something that’s a little off or tilted. Because balance is key, it’s important to know that you can balance your pictures in a variety of ways. Color scheme, levels, and varied body positions all can be toyed with to make things look a little more clean-cut and equalized. This family helps us make our case with their family photo shoot at Denver’s Millennium Bridge! With a family of six, you can imagine it can be a little tricky to organize this crew into some organized pictures. However, our job was not as difficult as
Do you love the fall, and want to photograph your family or loved ones during the peak of autumn color? Are you hoping to make the most of your fall season by capturing some unbeatable photos? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you are in luck! We have written a blog post on fall photography tips for you! Read this “how-to” guide to make your autumn photos turn out the best they can be! Lighting is Key One of photography’s most important considerations is lighting. While paying attention to lighting is crucial in every photo shoot, it is especially so during fall sessions. Autumn’s natural colors are reds, golds, and yellows which have the potential to either overpower or enhance natural lighting. While outdoors trying to capture that stunning gold light, make sure you either use the sun as an illuminant for the colors or a tool for silhouettes. You can get some great pictures with a bright orange backdrop if you angle the lighting just right. You can also capture some stunning silhouette pictures with a halo glow depending on your angle. Whatever you do: chase fall light with caution! Utilize Leaves! Everyone knows that the
We have a few engagement photo tips for anyone whose feeling a bit camera shy before their engagement photo session. Plus, these amazing photos from Candace & Xanders photo session are perfect inspiration for any couple preparing for their own engagement session!
One of our favorite perks to being here at Stanley is that we're just a few short steps away from an amazing variety of beer! Lucky for us, we can pour ourselves a beer any time we choose because Stanley Beer Hall is just right down the hall!
From business cards to maintaining your LinkedIn, no professional should be without a fantastic professional headshot. Worried about where to begin? Don't Be! We've got the perfect hints and tips to help you out!
Engagement photos are important, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Laura & Justin's engagement session was the perfect excuse for them to spend a day together in the great outdoors.
Worried about the dreaded rain on your wedding day? No need! We've got some great tips for how to enjoy your wedding even on the rainiest day.