Tips to Feel and Look Your Best on a Day You Will Always Remember The months of planning leading up to a wedding can be stressful, and then the entire day is over in a flash. However, there is plenty that you can do in the time leading up to your wedding that can have you feeling your best. Follow these quick and easy steps in order to alleviate some of the nerves and feel your best! Boost your immune system In order to avoid saying “I do” with the sniffles, take proactive steps in the weeks and months leading up to your wedding in order to boost your immune system. You may be dieting and exercising for other reasons, but some easy changes can have a huge impact on your overall health. Getting 30 minutes of exercise daily and eating more fruits and vegetables are just a few ways to boost your immune system. You’ll have more energy and will be more proactive in taking care of yourself. Develop a skincare routine Brides and grooms should have a daily skincare routine. It’s important to keep in mind that the season can completely alter your routine. If you’re planning for a spring or summer ceremony, it’s important to be mindful