Tasty beer, hip hop, and warm summer Denver weather made for a perfect combination for the third “release” in our Exposure! series! Let’s relive all the fun from our August Exposure! happy Hour at Fort Greene in Globeville.
Our Exposure! happy hour events are about more than grabbing a drink with some friends. They are a way of assembling some of Denver’s most talented creatives and providing a space for them to share what they’re most passionate about. Exposure!‘s goal is to put a spotlight on creative people in Denver who want to share their passions. It’s about the joy of discovery, the thrill of serendipity, and all the incredible things that happen when horizons are broadened.
Or it’s about tricking people into stumbling across new experiences and new art that may otherwise usually exist outside of their field of vision 😉 We’re all about busting the bubbles we tend to inhabit and making it impossible to not discover something new.
For the August Exposure! happy hour, our friends at Mu Brewery provided a couple of flavorful, quirky brews. This Aurora brewery calls Colfax Avenue home, not too far from our own From the Hip Photo studio. They were kind enough to donate kegs of two distinctive beers: their refreshing R&R Raspberry Red Ale and a Spicy Margarita Sour, both of which made for perfect patio sipping.
We were also so grateful to Derrick at the Rocky Mountain Rhyme Posse for bringing not one but two incredible musical talents into the mix. Greeley’s hidingtobefound and Fort Collins’ Lucky Pacheco traded the mic on fantastic back-and-forth live sets. Both artists have a bright future ahead and it was awesome to see them practice their craft in such an intimate setting.
Over in the back room, the twisted, Disney inspired photo series titled “Villains” by Michael Richardson was on display as part of the rotating series of work by local artists. Thank you again to all of our collaborators and to everyone who came and hung out with us! We can’t wait for the next party!
Follow us on Facebook for more information about upcoming Exposure! events, check out our Exposure! #003 photo gallery for some more photos from this August event, or learn more about Exposure! #001 (our kick-off party) and Exposure! #002 (an exclusive, free single from Denver indie rock band Bleak Plaza).