City Park
City Park is one of the most popular parks in the area. Not only does it have lush and spacious fields, it’s also home to the Denver ZooΒ and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Even on an slow day, you can find people at City Park doing all sorts of activities. For this session, we spent time near the museum. The front entrance of the museum provides a diverse mix of natural and industrial features. Plus a lots of opportunities for playful handholding with the (fake) animals!
The Cutest Sith Lord
What a weapon to behold! Although he might be armed with Kylo Ren’s lightsaber, Toby couldn’t look sweeter. Meanwhile, Dash seems to be taking the initiative on cart pulling (with a bit of help from Mom of course)! Incorporating props are a great tool to use in photo sessions because they supplement the personality of the shoot. Want to make it playful? Just add your favorite lightsaber! Check out some more tips here!